The last piece from my series of oil painting inspired by ancient pottery from South America. The message, oil painting on canvas, 60×80 cm. Lots of my favorite yellow ochre, crimson red and burned umber.

design studio
Today I would like to show you my 1×1 m oil painting on canvas “Big head”. The name is not perfect but stick to the painting itself.
The idea of this work came to me after visiting the museum of Pre-Columbian art in Quito, Ecuador. The museum houses a large collection of pottery and other utensils painted by ancient people of South America. In the surviving patterns, I saw other shapes. Based on them, I paint a few pieces, all in ocher-brown tones. “Big Head” is one of them.
Another piece from my ancient pottery inspiration series. The protector, oil painting 50×60 cm. Solid yellow ochre and burned sienna are the main colors for this piece.
Today I would like to introduce you to “Keepers” oil painting. This two creatures appeared to me when I studied images on ancient Incas ceramics. Love them very much. Yellow ochre, burned umber and sienna. Simple colors, simple shapes.
I was overwhelmed with ideas and thrown in different directions every time I approached the work on this picture. To tell the truth, I do not really like it, but the resulting colors and streams fascinate me. No title oil on canvas painting, 50×60 cm.
Three images created just in a few minutes with pencils, watercolors, ink and other stuff that were nearby. The pieces were done back in 2012, by that time I had to create logo for my business project and were searching ideas and forms to get inspired.