Another idea that was haunted me for a while, mixed media with fabric appliqué, hemp robe and acrylic paint. Hardboard 40×50 cm
Abstract art, liquid acrylic technique
Collage mixed media on hardboard
Having this idea for a quite some time. Paper appliqué on a hardboard. 60×40 cm
After my exercise with liquid acrylic technique I have lots of paint leftovers. So I used it on a simple white paper and mixed it all into one collage. Will do more, quite fascinating experience and very meditating process.
Abstract art, acrylic on canvas
Mixed media on canvas
Sunset in the mountains, mixed media on canvas
Abstract painting by liquid acrylic technique
Tried some new technique working with acrylic paint, quite interesting experience, but quite difficult to estimate the results, especially without experience on flowing the paint. I still enjoyed it very much, it is a very meditating process and the holistic art as its best.
Abstract art, acrylic on canvas 30×30 cm
Here are some parts in details
The finished work keeps drying for a day or so, the shapes and colours are continue to change and mixing during the drying process.