Another idea that was haunted me for a while, mixed media with fabric appliqué, hemp robe and acrylic paint. Hardboard 40×50 cm
Collage mixed media on hardboard
Having this idea for a quite some time. Paper appliqué on a hardboard. 60×40 cm
After my exercise with liquid acrylic technique I have lots of paint leftovers. So I used it on a simple white paper and mixed it all into one collage. Will do more, quite fascinating experience and very meditating process.
Mixed media on canvas
Sunset in the mountains, mixed media on canvas
Collage wall art
Creation process: Collage, original wall art from recycled paper
Today I will show photos from the process of creation a collage, small original wall art made from recycled paper.

The first idea was to re-use paper and carton boxes that appears in our studio every time after a grocery shopping by transforming them into mixed media art project.
On the other side of a carton box it is quite good and solid surface, suitable for acrylic paint and latex glue.
Using carton size 20×30 cm as a canvas, painted big pieces were cut into small pieces of different geometric shapes and sizes.
Next step was to play with them, combining pieces by different ways, until we get a perfect collage and get tired of endless combinations.
Bonding process took another few hours, but the results were quite satisfying
Another type of collages follows quickly:
Framed with white frame collages look stunning and the idea that they were made from recycled paper and carton give it additional value.